Worship Services
- Sundays at 11:00 AM
- Penn Wynne Presbyterian Church
130 Haverford Rd
Wynnewood, PA, 19096
- Order of Worship
- Join us for Fellowship Hour following worship.
- RPM Kick Off
Friday, September 13
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
- Join us in the “undercroft” of the African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas for a high-energy morning of music, movement, and spirited fellowship. In addition to a fast-paced hour of fitness and fellowship, we’ll preview the 2024-2025 schedule of events and opportunities. Healthy brunch treats will be served. Friends and neighbors of all ages are welcome.
- Adult Forum
“Called to Community: The Faith Stories of Overbrook,” Part 1
Tuesday, September 17
7:00 to 8:00 PM
- Overbrook is an ever-changing congregation, welcoming new members each season. Each who comes to worship has traveled a unique path on their faith journey. These converging paths have created a dynamic community of believers at the Crossroads. Please join us as we hear personal stories of adventures in faith told by members new to Overbrook, as well as by those who have welcomed generations of newcomers.
- Walking with Spirit
Saturday, September 21
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
- Seasonal contemplative nature walks offer opportunities to explore the wonders of God's creation. All ages are welcome; all trails are accessible. Please join us for the first walk of the new program year at the Darby Creek Trail at Merry Place, 600 Glendale Road, Havertown. To learn more about these spiritual journeys, please contact Sharon.
- Youth Back-to-School Celebration
Friday, September 27
5:30 PM
- It’s that time of the year again, and we are all going back to school! We want to celebrate our middle and high schoolers as they start another fantastic year. RSVP to youth@overbrookpresb.org by Sunday, September 22 if you are interested. We hope to see you there!
- Habitat for Humanity Restore
Saturday September 28
1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
- Mission and Outreach is looking for 10 people to volunteer at 2318 Washington Avenue. The work varies depending on expertise, but the folks at H4H know how to keep their volunteers busy. Contact Janet Bowker for more details .
- Youth Sunday
Sunday, September 29
11:00 AM
- September 29th is the next youth Sunday. We need youth volunteers from age 12 to mid-20s to participate in all aspects of our worship service. If you would like to be involved this month, please contact Artia or Suchita at youth@overbrookpresb.org by Sunday, September 15.
- Children’s Ministry Seminar
Sunday, September 29
12:00 PM to 2:00 PM CFM
- Committee members and volunteers will meet for a series of workshops that align us around our vision and enhance our ministry. This seminar is vital for all volunteers and committee members and is required for those serving at full-day Vacation Bible School in October. Lunch and limited remote participation options are available. Please RSVP to Molly.
Climate & Environment
Find out more about green initiatives at Overbrook Presbyterian Church.
Soft Plastic Recycling
Overbook Church had just earned its designation as an Earth Care community when the COVID-19 crisis forced us back into our homes. But our efforts to reach 500 pounds of collected plastics and earn a recycled plastics bench are continuing. Here's how it works:
- Collect all your soft plastics, like plastic grocery store bags, bread bags, plastic wrap, etc.
- Weigh the plastics
- Email a member of the Green Team (Kadie Whalen, Gretchen Boger, or Margene Biedermann) with the weight (THIS IS AN IMPORTANT STEP!)
- Drop the plastic at a collection recycling box, such as outside Giant or Acme
- PRO TIP: One easy method to weigh plastic is to hold it in your hands and jump on the scale. Note the number on the scale. Then put down the plastic, jump on the scale again and note the difference. (This is also a great opportunity to get your kids involved in an eco-friendly home math assignment).
- Overbrook Presbyterian Church is Certified as a PC(USA) Earth Care Congregation
- Overbrook Presbyterian Church was certified as an Earth Care Congregation by Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)'s Presbyterian Hunger Program through February 2021. This honor speaks to the great commitment that (Name) Presbyterian Church has made to care for God’s earth.
- To become an Earth Care Congregation, this congregation affirmed an Earth Care Pledge to integrate environmental practices and thinking into their worship, education, facilities, and outreach.
- The Earth Care Congregation certification is designed to recognize churches that make the commitment to take seriously God’s charge to “till and keep” the garden.
- Started in 2010 by the PC(USA), the goal of this program is to inspire churches to care for God’s earth in a holistic way, through integrating earth care into all aspects of their church life. The Earth Care Congregation certification honors churches that make that commitment and encourages others to follow their example.
- “It is exciting that Overbrook Presbyterian Church is one of the 264 churches that chose to dedicate themselves to intentional care of God’s earth this year. In a time of much uncertainty and worry about the future, this congregation’s activities and commitment brings hope to their community. Overbrook Presbyterian Church will inspire others to respond intentionally to God’s call to care for the earth,” says Jessica Maudlin, Associate for Sustainable Living and Earth Care Concerns for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
- For more information on the Earth Care Congregations program visit www.pcusa.org/earthcarecongregations.
Donation Opportunities
Where to Get Help
- Pastoral Care
- If you have pastoral care needs, please contact Adam.
- If You Need Help
- If you are in need of any help or support, please reach out to our Parish Care Associate, Sharon Parker, our Deacons or office.
Weekly Gatherings
- Centering Prayer
Wednesdays at 9:30 AM
- Temple Beth Hillel-Beth El, Remington Road and Lancaster Avenue, Wynnewood
- Bible Study
Wednesdays at 10:30 AM
- Temple Beth Hillel-Beth El, Remington Road and Lancaster Avenue, Wynnewood
- September 2024
Connect on Facebook
- Keep connected with our community on our private Facebook Community page.